Thursday, January 10, 2008

Year of the Rat

Hi there folks! It's been a while. Yeah, I got busy during the holidays. I always celebrate it with my family in the province and admittedly avoided anything that has something to do with "virtual life". Christmas was over but definitely I had fun despite me having to spend on gifts. Well, well it only happens once a year, or so they say, but of course I made sure that I did not overspend (?). Last year was a great year. Earlier that year, last May, I resigned from a previous job. I still am out of job but is doing well. I am currently looking for one now and really excited about it. I bought my new computer and feels better that I developed better relationships with the people around me by learning to appreciate life on a daily basis. I still have my bad days but I am more secure of myself right now. Since it is the beginning of the year, out of fun, I googled information about the year of the rat (==YEAR OF THE RIGHT) and was lucky to discover that this year will also be a good year for me. Not that I believe horoscope or anything like that but it does not hurt to read these things and boost my confidence in the coming year. I still believe in working to achieve what I want and not relying on stuff like that but as I've said, there is no harm in there, right?

Anyway, whatever it is that is store for me this year, I will embrace it and with a little help from a God, and a healthier attitude I will surely be better this year!!! God bless everyone. May this year be the YEAR OF THE RIGHT!!!